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Beginner woodturner

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    • #2114

      Tero Uotila

      I have a crappy very old small lathe, no chuck and a joke of a set of chisels, I don’t even own a bowl gauge. I’m making the best I can with my equipment, can’t afford to buy new ones at the moment, maybe one day then.
      I have been turning for a month now, so I’m as green as they come. Have had now schooling for turning except Nick’s and R Humbrey’s channels on you tube, maybe couple of others as well.
      I made a youtube video of my latest project and would like your comments on it. Comments on anything about it, I have no real experience with cameras and filming or lighting for instance.

      I’m grateful of all feedback I can get, I want to keep going forward this excellent hobby.

      P.S. I don’t know if it makes any difference, but just wanted send you all greetings from here in Finland 🙂

      • This topic was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Tero Uotila.
    • #2216

      Huey Lionsheart

      Thanks for sharing! Have watched and subscribed, looking forward to seeing your progress.Nice project and the filming and editing were good.??

    • #2217

      Tero Uotila

      Thank you Huey! More videos are coming soon, I have a lot of ideas for new projects.

    • #2219

      Tero Uotila

      Hello again everyone!

      I have a new project ready, project leftovers.
      I basically took some leftover strips of oak and birch, glued them together and made a platter. I had just enough for a 12″ plank.
      I still have very little experience with the lathe, but I’m learning more with every project.

    • #2224

      Tero Uotila

      Hi everyone!

      New project again, project Heart plate
      This piece was made out of very old oak, I have a good supply of oak and I’m using it on many of my projects.
      After trying my skill at turning a rough winged bowl out of square piece of wood, I had an idea of a heart shaped plate.
      I made this as gift to my wife, a small project out of curiosity about turning this shape.
      I haven’t seen anyone turn any other shape than square when making a winged platter or bowl so I decided to try it and it turned out to be fairly easy. Plank was very much out of balance, needed to turn it fairly slowly.

    • #15828

      Steve Purton

      Allo peeps.
      Brand new to forums.
      Not even sure if I’m doing this right. I’m looking to get a lathe. Never done wood turning but I’ve been addicted to watching it for about 3 years. Should I buy small and work my way up? Or wait a while, save a few more quid and buy big. I’ve got a feeling my thing will be live edge stuff.

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